Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Review : Simplify Your Life by Elaine St.James

I recently got to know about this book Simplify Your Life by Elaine St.James from http://zenhabits.net/ . I like this website, it has loads of information related to productivity & simplicity too !!.

Book Review

Rating : **.* (2.5 Stars !!)
This book is good for reading when you don't have anything else to do & want to read something light. Though the book claims to provide lot of ideas (100 !!) to Simplify Your Life, it is more of a common sense. This book is written in typical American style & also for Americans who are probably rich to have Boats & houses(like "keep your plants outdoor", Replace your lawn with ground water", "plan a garden" etc ) !!

Some of the ideas are just extreme .. "no phone", "not answering the door", "don't answer the phone" ..these do not seem to be practical ideas to implement.

There is a desperate attempt to make the list 100 !!.

I agree to few ideas like "Cancel your magazine subscriptions", "Drive a simple car", "Reduce clutter" , "stop junk mail" etc ...

Its not worth to buy this book. Its good to loan from a library or a friend :)

1 comment:

rose said...

When Elaine says "get rid of your phone" and "get rid of your car," that's absolutely ridiculous! I live in Los Angeles and I certainly need my car. And a phone is a definite must, especially for my job as a newspaper reporter.
Some of her advice is good. Some of it is cliched and nonsensical. I'm sure that Elaine, as a bestselling author, has both a car and a telephone at her reach.